Development Charges By-Law
By-Law 2021-114
Being a By-law to establish development charges for the Township of Russell and to repeal By-law No. 2016-148.
WHEREAS Subsection 2(1) of the Development Charges Act, S .0. 1997, as amended, provides that the council of a municipality may by by-law impose development charges against land to pay for increased capital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from the development of the area to which the by-law applies;
AND WHEREAS Council has before it a report entitled "2021 Development Charges Background Study", the Township of Russell, dated September 16, 2021, as amended (the "Study");
AND WHEREAS Notice of Public Meeting was given pursuant to Section 12 of the Act on or before September 27, 2021 and copies of the Study and the proposed development charge by-law were made available to the public on October 4, 2021;
AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the Township of Russell, hereby determines that the future excess capacity identified in the Study dated September 16, 2021, shall be paid for by the development charges contemplated in the Study;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Russell has given consideration of the use of more than one Development Charge By-law to reflect different needs for services in different areas, also known as "area rating" or "area specific development charges", and has determined that for the services, and associated infrastructure proposed to be funded by development charges under this by-law, that it is fair and reasonable that the charges be calculated on a municipal-wide basis;
AND WHEREAS the Study dated September 16, 2021 includes an Asset Management Plan that deals with all assets whose capital costs are intended to be funded under the Development Charge By-law and that such assets are considered to be financially sustainable over their full life-cycle;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Russell will give consideration to incorporating the Asset Management Plan outlined in the Study within the Township of Russell ongoing practices and Corporate Asset Management Plan;
AND WHEREAS a Public Meeting was held on October 18, 2021 to hear comments and representations from all persons who applied to be heard (the "Public Meeting");
AND WHEREAS Council reviewed the Study in light of the public comments and representations and provided a Report to Council dated November 1 2021;
AND WHEREAS Council at its November 1 2021 meeting adopted the recommendations from the Committee of the Whole including:
a) That Council approve the capital project listing set out in Chapter 5 of the Development Charges Background Study dated September 16 2021 subject to further annual review during the capital budget process";
b) That Council approve the Development Charges Background Study dated September 16 2021; and
c) That Council determine that no further public meeting is required;
1. Definitions
In this By-law:
- 1.1 "Act" means the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.27 as amended;
- 1.2 "accessory" means, when used to describe a use, building or structure, a use, building or structure that is normally incidental and/or subordinate, and is exclusively devoted to a main use and/or building and/or structure, and is located on the same lot therewith;
- 1.3 "agricultural use" means a use of land, buildings, or structures for the production of crops, animal husbandry or other similar uses normally associated with agriculture but shall not include building or structures for use in the growing, processing, production and sale of Cannabis or a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act;
- 1.4 "air-supported structure" means an air supported structure as defined in the Building Code Act;
- 1.5 "benefiting area" means an area defined by a map, plan or legal description in a front-ending agreement as an area that will receive a benefit from the construction of a service;
- 1.6 "Board of Education" means a board of education, French and English, public school board, secondary school board, Catholic school board or Protestant school board;
- 1.7 "building or structure" means a structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor or any of them or a structural system serving the function thereof, but does not include a farm building , but does include an air supported structure and an exterior storage tank;
- 1.8 "Building Code Act" means the Building Code Act, S .0. 1992 , Chapter 23, as amended and all Regulations thereto including the Ontario Building Code, 1997, as amended or any successor legislation thereof;
- 1.9 “Cannabis” means cannabis as defined in the Cannabis Act, SC 2018 c.16, as amended, or any successor thereto;
- 1.10 "capital cost" means costs incurred or proposed to be incurred by the Township or a local board thereof directly or under an agreement,
- a) to acquire land or an interest in land,
- b) to improve land,
- c) to acquire, construct or improve buildings and structures,
- d) to acquire, construct or improve facilities including,
- i) rolling stock, furniture and equipment, and
- ii) materials acquired for circulation, reference or information purposes by a library board as defined in the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P.44, and
- e) to undertake studies in connection with any matter under the Act and any matters in clauses a) to d) above, required for the provision of services designated in this By-law within or outside the Township, including interest on borrowing for those expenditures under clauses a) to d) above that are growth-related;
- 1.11 "Council" means the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Russell;
- 1.12 "County" means the United Counties of Prescott and Russell.
- 1.13 "development" means the construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures on land, or the making of an addition or alteration to a building or structure that has the effect of increasing the gross floor area, or the making of an addition or alteration of a building or structure which has the effect of creating a new dwelling unit which did not exist at the time of the passage of this By-law, and includes re-development;
- 1.14 "Development Charge" means a charge imposed with respect to growth-related net capital costs against land in the Township under this By-law pursuant to the Act;
- 1.15 "dwelling, apartment" means a building consisting of three or more dwelling units which have a common entrance from the street level, and the occupants of which have the right to use in common halls and/or stairs and/or elevators and/or yards and/or storage and/or laundry rooms and facilities. Apartment dwellings also include basement apartment conversions and stacked townhouse;
- 1.16 “dwelling, back to back townhouse” means a building that is divided vertically by common walls, including a common rear wall, where each dwelling unit has a separate entrance to grade;
- 1.17 "dwelling, duplex" means a building that is divided horizontally into two dwelling units each of which has an independent entrance either directly from the outside or through a common vestibule. For the purposes of this by-law a duplex is treated as a semi-detached for the calculation of the rates;
- 1.18 "dwelling, semi-detached" means the whole of a building divided vertically from the foundation to the roof by an unpierced common wall into two separate dwelling units each of which has an independent entrance directly from grade;
- 1.19 "dwelling, single detached" means a completely detached dwelling unit to which entrance is gained only by a private entrance outside the building and does not include a mobile home;
- 1.20 "dwelling, row house" means a building that is divided vertically into three (3) or more dwelling units, each of which has independent entrances, to a front and rear yard immediately abutting the front and rear walls of each dwelling unit;
- 1.21 "dwelling, special care/special needs" means a building where the occupants have the right to use in common, halls, stairs, yards, common rooms, and accessory buildings; which shall not have exclusive sanitary and/or culinary facilities, that is designed to accommodate persons with specific needs, including independent permanent living arrangements, and where support services such as meal preparation, grocery shopping, laundry, housekeeping, nursing, respite care and attendant services are provided at various levels. Special care/special needs dwellings includes, but is not limited to retirement homes and lodges, nursing homes, charitable dwellings, accessory dwellings and group homes;
- 1.22 “dwelling, stacked townhouse” means a residential use building containing four or more dwelling units, where the units in each pair are divided horizontally, and the pairs are divided vertically, and in which each dwelling unit has an independent entrance directly from the outside;
- 1.23 "dwelling, street row house" means a row house dwelling in which each dwelling unit abuts a public street and where each dwelling unit is located on a separate lot. For the purposes of this DC By-law, it would include a back to back townhouse;
- 1.24 "dwelling unit" means one or more habitable rooms designed or intended for use by one or more persons as an independent and separate housekeeping establishment in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such person or persons, with a private enhance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building.
- 1.25 "dwelling, multiple" means all dwellings including but not limited to street row house, back to back townhouse or triplex but other than single detached dwellings, semi- detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, special care/special needs dwelling, stacked townhouse or apartment dwelling;
- 1.26 “dwelling, triplex” means a residential use building that is divided horizontally into three principal dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance directly from the outside or through a common vestibule.
- 1.27 "farm building" means a farm building as defined in the Building Code Act;
- 1.28 "floor" includes a paved, concrete, wooden, gravel, or dirt floor;
- 1.29 "front-ending agreement" means an agreement made under Section 44 of the Act between the Township and any or all owners within the benefiting area providing for front-end payments by an owner or owners or any combination thereof;
- 1.30 "front-end payment" means a payment made by an owner pursuant to a front-ending agreement which may be in addition to a development charge that the owner is required to pay under this By-law, to cover the net capital costs of the services designated in the agreement that are required to enable the land to be developed;
- 1.31 "gross floor area" means the sum total of the total areas of all floors in a building or structure, whether at, above, or below-grade, measured between the exterior faces of
- the exterior walls of the building or structure or from the centre line of a common wall separating two uses, of from the outside edge of a floor that does not meet an exterior of common wall, and
- Includes the floor area of a mezzanine and air-supported structure and the space occupied by interior wall partitions;
- excludes any parts of the building or structure used for the parking and loading of vehicles and where a building does not have any walls, the gross floor area shall be the sum total of the area of land directly beneath the roof of the building and the total areas of all floor in the building or structure.
- 1.32 "growth-related net capital cost" means the portion of the net capital cost of services that is reasonably attributable to the need for such net capital cost that results or will result from development in all or a defined part of the Township;
- 1.33 “institutional development” for the purposes of subsection 26.1 (2) of the Act as defined in the Act;
- 1.34 "local board" means a municipal service board, transportation commission, public library board, board of health, police services board, planning board, or any other board, commission, committee, body or local authority established or exercising any power under any Act with respect to the affairs or purposes of one or more municipalities, excluding a school board and a conservation authority;
- 1.35 "mezzanine" means a mezzanine as defined in the Building Code Act;
- 1.36 "mixed-use" means lands, buildings or structures used, designed or intended to be used for both residential and non-residential uses;
- 1.37 "non-residential" means land, buildings or structures or portions thereof used, or designed or intended to be used for a use other than for a residential dwelling unit;
- 1.38 “non-profit housing development” as defined in the Act;
- 1.39 "owner" means the owner of land or a person who has made application for an approval for the development of land upon which a Development Charge is imposed;
- 1.40 "protracted" means in relation to a temporary building or structure the persistence of its construction, erection, placement on land, alteration or, of an addition to it, for a continuous period exceeding eight (8) months;
- 1.41 "redevelopment" means the construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures on land where all or part of a building or structure has previously been demolished on such land, or changing the use of a building or structure, or part thereof, from residential to non-residential or from nonresidential to residential;
- 1.42 "regulation" means any regulation made pursuant to the Act;
- 1.43 “rental housing development” as defined in the Act;
- 1.44 "residential use" means the land, buildings or structures or portions thereof used, designed or intended to be used as living accommodation for one or more individuals;
- 1.45 "services" means services designated in this By-law including Schedule "A" to this By-law or in agreement under section 44 of the Act, or both;
- 1.46 "service standards" means the prescribed level of services on which the Schedule of Charges in Schedules "B" and “C” are based;
- 1.47 "temporary building or structure" means a building or structure constructed or erected or placed on land for a continuous period not exceeding eight (8) months, or an addition or alteration to a building or structure that has the effect of increasing the total floor area thereof for a continuous period not exceeding eight (8) months;
- 1.48 "Township" means The Corporation of the Township of Russell;
- 1.49 "Zoning By-law" means the Zoning By-law or By-laws passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act and in force and effect in the Township, or part thereof;
2. Rules
For the purpose of complying with Section 6 of the Act:
- 2.1 the area to which this By-law applies shall be the area described in Section 3 of this By-law;
- 2.2 the rules developed under paragraph 9 of subsection 5(1) of the Act for determining if a development charge is payable in any particular case and for determining the amount of the Development Charge shall be as set forth in this By-law;
- 2.3 the exemptions provided for such rules shall be the exemptions set forth in Section 13 of this By-law:
- 2.4 the indexing of Development Charges shall be in accordance with Section 10 of this By-law; and
- 2.5 the phasing of Development Charges (or no phasing) shall be as provided in Section 11 of this By-law;
- 2.6 the redevelopment of land shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in Section 13 of and Section 18 of this By-law.
3. Lands Affected
3.1 This By-law applies to all lands in the geographic area of the Township, subject to the following:
- a) Development Charges for municipal wastewater services, as identified on Schedules "B" and “C” of this By-law, will not be levied against development within the Highway 417 Industrial Park or against development of land that will not receive wastewater services from the Township at the time of development; and
- b) Development Charges for municipal water services, as identified on Schedule "B" and “C” of this By-law, will not be levied against development within the Highway 417 Industrial Park or against development of land that will not receive municipal water services from the Township at the time of development.
4. Designation of Services
4.1 It is hereby declared by Council that all development of land within the area to which this By-law applies will increase the need for services.
4.2 The Development Charge applicable to a development as determined under this By-law shall apply without regard to the services required or used by an individual development, subject to subsection 3.1 (a) and (b) of this By-law.
4.3 Development Charges shall be imposed and Reserve Funds established for the categories of services designated on Schedule "A" of this By-law to pay for the increased capital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from development.
5. Approvals for Development
5.1 Development charges shall be imposed against all lands, buildings or structures within the area to which this By-law applies if the development of such lands, buildings or structures requires any of the following approvals:
- a) the passing of a zoning by-law or of an amendment thereto under section 34 of the Planning Act;
- b) the approval of a minor variance under section 45 of the Planning Act,
- c) a conveyance of land to which a by-law passed under subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act applies;
- d) the approval of a plan of subdivision under section 51 of the Planning Act,
- e) a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act,
- f) the approval of a description under section 50 of the Condominium Act, or;
- g) the issuing of a permit under the Building Code Act, 1992 in relation to a building or structure.
5.2 No more than one Development Charge for each service designated in subsection 4.3 and Schedule "A" of this By-law shall be imposed upon any lands, buildings or structures to which this By-law applies even though two or more of the actions described in Subsection 5. 1 are required before the lands, buildings or structure can be developed.
5.3 Notwithstanding Subsection 5.2, if two or more of the actions described in Subsection 5.1 occur at different times, additional Development Charges shall be imposed in respect of any increased or additional development permitted by that action.
5.4 Where a development requires an approval described in Subsection 5.1 after the issuance of a building permit and no Development Charge has been paid, then the Development Charge shall be paid prior to the granting of the approval required under Subsection 5.1.
5.5 If a development does not require a building permit but does require one or more of the approvals described in Subsection 5.1, then the Development Charge shall nonetheless be payable in respect of any increased or additional development permitted by such approval required for the increased or additional development being granted .
5.6 Nothing in this By-law prevents Council from requiring, as a condition of an agreement under sections 51 or 53 of the Planning Act, that the owner, at his or her own expense, install such local services related to a plan of subdivision or within the area to which the plan or consent relates, as Council may require or that the owner pay for local connections to storm drainage facilities installed at the owner's expense, or administrative, processing or inspection fees.
6. Calculation of Development Charges
6.1 The Development Charge with respect to the use of any land, buildings or structures shall be calculated as follows:
- a) in the case of residential development, or the residential portion of a mixed- use development, based upon the number and type of dwelling units ; or
- b) in the case of non-residential development, or the non-residential portion of a mixed-use development, based upon the gross floor area of such development.
7. Amount of Charge Residential
7.1 The Development Charges described in Schedule "B" to this By-law shall be imposed on residential uses of lands, buildings or structures, including a dwelling unit accessory to a non-residential use and, in the case of a mixed use building or structure, on the residential component of the mixed use building or structure, according to the type of residential use.
8. Amount of Charge Non-Residential
8.1 The Development Charges described in Schedule "C" to this By-law shall be imposed on non-residential uses of lands, buildings or structures, including a non- residential use accessory to a dwelling unit and, in the case of a mixed use building or structure, on the non-residential component of the mixed use building or structure, according to the type of non-residential use.
9. Special Provision
9.1 Notwithstanding Sections 6,7 and 8, if an owner has prepaid the Sewer Services component under an agreement with the Township, on or before July 7, 2009, for the applicable development, the charge related to Sewer Service in Schedules "B" and “C” shall not be imposed and collected, subject to the terms, provisions and limitation of the prepayment agreement.
10. Indexing of Development Charges
10.1 The Development Charges set out in Schedules "B" and “C” attached hereto shall be adjusted without amendment to this By-law bi-annually on July 1st and January 1st in each year, commencing July 1st, 2022, in accordance with the most recent twelve month change in Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics with the base index value being that in effect as at August 31st in the prior year.
11. Phasing, Timing of Calculation and Payment
11.1 The residential Development Charges set out in this are not subject to phasing in and are payable in full, subject to the exemptions and credits herein from the effective date of this By-law.
11.2 The non-residential Development Charges set out in this By-law are not subject to phasing in and are payable in full, subject to the exemptions and credits herein from the effective date of this By-law.
11.3 Subject to Section 18 (with respect to redevelopment) and Subsection 11.4 below, the Development Charge shall be calculated as of, and shall be payable, in accordance with Sections 26.1 and 26.2 of the Act or if applicable on the date the first building permit is issued in relation to a building or structure on land to which the Development Charge applies.
11.4 Notwithstanding Subsection 11.3 above, the Township may require an owner to enter into an agreement, including the provision of security for the owner's obligations under agreement pursuant to Section 27 of the Act providing for all or part of a Development Charge to be paid before or after it otherwise would be payable. The terms of such agreement shall then prevail over the provision of this By-law.
12. Payment by Money or the Provision of Services
12.1 Payment of Development Charges shall be by cash or by cheque.
12.2 In the event that payment is made by cheque, payment shall be deemed to be made when the funds are credited to the Township's bank account. In the event of an NSF cheque, services charges as set out in the Township's fee by-law will apply in addition to the amount of the outstanding Development Charge.
12.3 In the alternative to payment by the means provided in Subsection 12.1 above, the Township may, at its sole discretion and by way of an agreement entered into with the owner, accept the provision of services in full or partial satisfaction of the Development Charge otherwise payable provided that :
- a) if the credit exceeds the amount of the charge for the service to which the work relates,
- i) the excess amount shall not be credited against the charge for any other service, unless the Township has so agreed in an agreement under Section 38 of the Act ; and
- ii) in no event shall the Township be required to make a cash payment to the credit holder.
12.4 If a Development Charge or any part of it remains unpaid after it is payable, the amount unpaid shall be added to the tax roll and shall be collected in the same manner as taxes pursuant to Section 32 of the Act.
12.5 In the event that a Development Charge under this By-law is paid and the person required to pay the development charge or the person's agent wishes to complain to Council that:
- a) the amount of the development charge was incorrectly determined ; or
- b) a credit is available to be used against the development charge or such credit was incorrectly determined; or
- c) there was an error in the application of the Development Charge By-law the complainant shall follow the procedures set out in Section 20 of the Act.
12.6 Nothing in this By-law prevents Council from requiring, as a condition of any approval given under the Planning Act that the Owner, at the Owner's expense, install such local services as Council may require in accordance with the Township's Engineering Standards and such policies which may be in effect at the time.
13. Rules with Respect to Exemptions for Intensification of Existing Housing
13.1 Pursuant to subsections 2(3) and (3.1) of the Act, no development charge shall be imposed with respect to the following:
- a) the enlargement of an existing dwelling unit;
- b) the creation of additional dwelling units as prescribed in the Regulation, subject to any restrictions as set out in the Regulation, in prescribed classes of existing residential buildings or prescribed structures ancillary to existing residential buildings as set out in the Regulation; or
- c) the creation of a second dwelling unit in prescribed classes of proposed new residential buildings as set out in the Regulation, including structures ancillary to dwellings, subject to any restrictions as set out in the Regulation.
13.2 Where the requirements of subsections 13.1 (b) or (c) of this by-law are not met, development charges shall be calculated and collected in accordance with Schedule “B” for any additional dwelling units.
14. Rules with respect to Credits for Services or Lot Levies
14.1 Section 17 of Ontario Regulation No. 82/98 as amended under of the Development Charges Act applies only to those owners who applied for and received credits.
14.2 In the event that the charge or levy related to the development in respect of which a credit is available pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 13.1 was paid in connection with a particular service, the credit available shall not exceed the amount of the component of the development charge for the particular service payable under this By- law and no refunds shall apply.
14.3 A credit given under Subsection 14.1 or 14.2 shall not exceed the total development charge payable by the owner.
14.4 The provisions of Section 40 of the Act shall apply to any credit given under Subsection 14.1, 14.2 or 14.3 of this By-law.
15. Categories of Exempt Institutions
15.1 The following categories of development are hereby designated as being exempt from the payment of Development Charges:
- a) buildings or structures used as hospitals governed by the Public Hospitals Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.40;
- b) buildings or structures owned by and used for the purposes of the Township or other municipality, or their local boards;
- c) buildings or structures owned by a Board of Education and used for school purposes pursuant to the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended;
- d) buildings or structures owned by and used for the purposes of a college of applied arts and technology established pursuant to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19;
- e) buildings or structures owned by and used for the purposes of a university established by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; and
- f) Non-profit housing buildings or structures developed by a not-for-profit organization for subsidized housing shall be entitled to a 50% exemption of development charges.
16. Agricultural Uses
16.1 Agricultural uses as well as farm buildings and other ancillary development to an agricultural use, excluding any residential uses and cannabis uses, shall be exempt from the provisions of this By-law.
17. Temporary Buildings or Structures
17.1 Temporary buildings or structures shall be exempt from the provisions of this By-law.
17.2 In the event that a temporary building or structure becomes protracted, it shall be deemed not to be, nor ever to have been, a temporary building or structure, and the Development Charges required to be paid under this Bylaw become payable on the date the temporary building or structure becomes protracted.
17.3 Prior to the Township issuing a building permit for a temporary building or structure, the Township may require an owner to enter into an agreement, including the provision of security for the owner's obligation under the agreement pursuant to Section 27 of the Act providing for all or part of the Development Charge required by Subsection 17.2 to be paid after it would otherwise be payable. The terms of such agreement shall then prevail over the provisions of this By-law.
18. Rules with Respect to the Redevelopment of Land
18.1 Where there is a redevelopment of land on which there is a conversion of space proposed, or on which there was formerly erected a building or structure that has been demolished or removed, a credit shall be allowed against the Development. Charge otherwise payable by the Owner pursuant to this By-law for the portion of the building or structure still in existence that is being converted or for the portion of the building or structure that has been demolished or removed, as the case may be, calculated by multiplying the number and type of dwelling units being converted or demolished or removed, or the non-residential gross floor area being converted or demolished or removed, by the relevant Development Charge in effect on the date when the Development Charge is payable in accordance with this Bylaw. In the case of the conversion, demolition or removal of non-residential space and redevelopment as a residential or mixed use, the credit shall be calculated based on the non-residential Development Charges in Schedule "C" of this By-law.
18.2 A credit in respect of any demolition or removal under this Section shall not be given unless a building permit has been issued or a subdivision agreement has been entered into with the Township for the development within five (5) years from the date the demolition permit was issued for residential dwelling units and within seven (7) years for non-residential building or structures. In the event that no demolition permit was issued and the owner is unable to provide written proof or other evidence which in the sole opinion of the Township is able to substantiate the date of demolition, the date shall be deemed to have been in excess of five (5) years for residential and excess of seven (7) years for non-residential.
18.3 The amount of any credit hereunder shall not exceed, in total, the amount of the Development Charges otherwise payable with respect to the redevelopment.
19. Interest on Deferrals and Freeze
19.1 The Township may charge interest on installments required by Section 26.1 (3) of the Act from the date the development charge would have been payable in accordance with Section 26 of the Act to the date the installment is paid.
19.2 Where Section 26.2 (1) (a) or (b) of the Act applies, the Township may charge interest on the development charge from the date of the application referred to in the applicable clause to the date the development charge is payable under Section 26.2 (3) of the Act.
19.3 The Township may determine, by Council resolution or policy external to this by-law, interest rates in relation to subsections 19.1 and 19.2.
20. Interest
20.1 The Township shall pay interest on a refund under Subsection 18(3) and 25(2) of the Development Charges Act, 1997 at a rate equal to the Bank of Canada rate on the date this By-law comes into force.
21. Front Ending Agreements
21.1 The Township may enter into agreement under Section 44 of the Act.
22. Schedules
22.1 The following Schedules to this By-law form an integral part of this By-law.
- Schedule "A" Designated Services
- Schedule "B" Residential Development Charges
- Schedule “C” Non-Residential Development Charges
23. By-law Registration
23.1 A certified copy of this By-law maybe registered on title to any land to which this By- law applies.
24. Date By-law Effective
24.1 This By-law comes into force upon passing and takes effect on the date of passing.
25. Date By-law Expires
25.1 This By-law expires five years after the date on which it comes into force.
26. Repeal
26.1 THAT the Township of Russell By-law No. 2016-148, and any amendments, are hereby repealed on the effective date this By-law comes into force.
27. Headings for Reference Only
27.1 The headings inserted in this By-law are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this By-law.
28. Severability
28.1 If, for any reason, any provision, section, subsection or paragraph of this Bylaw is held invalid, it is hereby declared to be the intention of Council that all the remainder of this By-law shall continue in full force and effect until repealed, reenacted or amended, in whole or in part or dealt with in any other way.
Schedule "A" Designated Services
- Library
- Recreation & Parks
- Daycare
- Fire Protection
- Police
- By-Law Enforcement
- Development Related Studies
- Services Related to a Highway
- i. Public Works
- ii. Roads & Related
- Water
- Wastewater
Schedule "B"
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the development charges posted below. For official or legal requirements, please confirm rates with our Finance Department.
Service | Singles and Semi Detached | Apartments (2 Bedroom +) | Apartments (Bachelor & 1 Bedroom) | Rows and Other Multiples | Special Care and Special Needs Dwelling Units |
Library Services | $1,056 | $609 | $440 | $690 | $352 |
Parks and Recreation | $7,619 | $4,394 | $3,174 | $4,978 | $2,540 |
Daycare | $272 | $157 | $113 | $177 | $90 |
Fire and Protection Services | $389 | $224 | $162 | $254 | $130 |
Police Services | $18 | $10 | $8 | $13 | $5 |
By-Law Enforcement | $84 | $48 | $35 | $56 | $28 |
Administration (Development Charge Studies) | $177 | $102 | $73 | $116 | $59 |
Services Related to A Highway: Public Works | $3,048 | $1,757 | $1,270 | $1,991 | $1,016 |
Services Related to A Highway: Roads and Related | $744 | $430 | $310 | $486 | $248 |
Total Township Wide Service Charges | $13,407 | $7,731 | $5,585 | $8,761 | $4,468 |
Service | Singles and Semi Detached | Apartments (2 Bedroom +) | Apartments (Bachelor & 1 Bedroom) | Rows and Other Multiples | Special Care and Special Needs Dwelling Units |
Township Wide Service Charge | $13,407 | $7,731 | $5,585 | $8,761 | $4,468 |
Sewer Services | $6,047 | $3,487 | $2,519 | $3,950 | $2,015 |
Water Services | $6,631 | $3,824 | $2,763 | $4,333 | $2,210 |
Total Urban Area Charges | $26,085 | $15,042 | $10,867 | $17,044 | $8,693 |
Schedule "C"
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the development charges posted below. For official or legal requirements, please confirm rates with our Finance Department.
Service | Non-Residential Charge (per square meter) |
Library Services | $0 |
Parks and Recreation | $0 |
Daycare | $0 |
Fire and Protection Services | $1.49 |
Police Services | $0.06 |
By-Law and Enforcement | $0.31 |
Administration (Development Charge Studies) | $0.66 |
Services Related to A Highway: Public Works | $2.81 |
Services Related to A Highway: Roads and Related | $11.51 |
Total Township-Wide Charge | $16.84 |
Service | Non-Residential Charge (per square meter) |
Township-Wide Charge | $16.84 |
Sewer Services | $24.44 |
Water Services | $25.57 |
Total Serviced Non-Residential Charge per Square Meter | $66.85 |