Parking Regulations

Regular Parking Regulations

  • Where there are no signs, you are allowed to park for 3 hours.
  • Do not park on the landscaped portion of the road allowance, and do not block or park closer than 1.5 meters of another driveway/ laneway.
  • Winter Parking Restrictions apply from November 1 to April 1 each year.
Winter Parking Restrictions

From November 1, to April 1, there will be no nightly on-street parking ban. Instead, street parking restrictions are alert-based throughout the winter. This means that residents can park on the street overnight unless a Winter Parking Ban Alert is issued.

An alert will be issued when 5cm or more of snow or freezing rain is in the forecast, and will be sent out by 2:00 p.m. restricting on-street parking from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. These alerts are sent to our subscribers by email, posted on social media (Facebook, Instagram and X) and on our four LED Boards.

Important: To be notified, please register for parking ban alerts through the Township’s notification system: 

Register for Parking Ban Notices

During a Winter Parking Ban Alert, residents should park in their driveways or use one of our designated overnight parking areas listed below. Vehicles left on the street during an active ban are subject to fines and towing at the owner’s expense.


Special occasion temporary parking permits are available at no cost. Please contact the Public Safety and Enforcement Department at 613-443-3066, extension 8.

Temporary No Parking

During planned snow removal, temporary "No Parking" signs are posted along streets to be cleared. This parking ban applies to all vehicles, including vehicles with residential parking permits. Any vehicle parked on the street during snowbank removal operations will be ticketed and towed.

Designated Overnight Parking Areas

During a winter parking ban, you can park at one of four designated parking areas between 7:00p.m. and 7:00a.m.:

  • Camille Piché Community Centre, in front of the skate park (8 Blais, Embrun)
  • Richelieu Park, west side (159 St-Moritz Terrace, Embrun)
  • Russell park-and-ride parking lot, east side (1st Avenue, Russell)
  • Duncanville Park, north side (1141 Concession, Russell)

There are a total of 48 overnight parking spots available.

Any vehicle that remains parked in these designated parking areas during the day may be issued a ticket.

Commercial vehicles, buses, and trailers cannot park in these designated areas overnight. These lots are not supervised or controlled, and the Township will not be responsible for damage to vehicles.

Special occasion temporary parking permits are available for on street parking at no cost. Please contact the Public Safety and Enforcement Department.

View of Embrun Designated Overnight Parking Area View of Richelieu Park Designated Overnight Parking Area

Russell Park-and-Ride Designated Overnight Parking Area