Wildlife and Dead Animals
Trap Rentals
Township of Russell residents can rent a live trap from our office to relocate small wild animals.
Trap sizes range from smaller traps for squirrels, to specific traps for skunks. The rent cost is $15 for one week. To make sure there is a trap available for you, please call our office at 613-443-3066 before picking up a trap.
The person renting the trap is responsible for the release of the animal once caught. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources guidelines outline that no animal can be released further than 1 kilometer from where it was trapped so that diseases are not spread.
Dead Animals & Wildlife in Distress
If you see a dead animal on a Township road, call our Public Works department at 613-443-1747 to have it removed.
If you spot wildlife in distress, contact our Public Safety and Enforcement Department at 613-443-3066 and after hours at 613-443-3066 extension 4.
Contact Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122 if wildlife is an immediate threat to public safety.
Prevent Issues with Wildlife
Learn how you can avoid conflicts with wild animals, from Canada geese to coyotes on the Ontario website.
Read the Ontario SPCA's Wildlife Fact Sheets.